
Thanks for finding me!

I live on the border of the coast and the beautiful New Forest, where I am lucky enough to ride each week, in the heart of the Forest. The New Forest is home to our beautiful local New Forest Ponies that are wild but owned by people in nearby forest homes. Commoning rights enable owners to let their animals roam in the countryside. My school is also set in the forest so I am blessed to be surrounded by the richness of the woodlands and the coastline of the South of England. 

My passion is riding, caring for ponies and drawing the beautful things I see! I love nothing more than a stroll with my camera, capturing the treasures around me and then heading home to my small stable themed studio to draw and paint. 

I am beginning to start selling my artworks and so this is the first step I am taking to share my work with you through my gallery. I hope you might also join me on my youtube channel artwithsummerdaisy (coming soon) so you can tour the countryside with me and meet some of the beautiful New Forest Ponies that inspire me ever day!